Actions and Loneliness

Actions and LonelinessNobody is coming to save you… There was a period in the past 12 months where I experienced chronic loneliness, If you follow my blog you would have seen poems reflecting that. I started sedating with Whiskey every night to try and dull the emptiness I was feeling. I’ve never been good withContinueContinue reading “Actions and Loneliness”

Words Spoken Set life in motion

All quotes are from The Mount Of Olives Book by Michael V. Ivanov Perhaps when you are able to speak, you can’t think at the same time. On Olive trees, “Sometimes they take 5 to 8 years to produce fruit,”… barren and useless for so long just like he had been. But when they becameContinueContinue reading “Words Spoken Set life in motion”

Beautiful nothingness

Beautiful nothingness We live in a noisy world Noise everywhere, people arguing,talking, cars and trucks, planes, TV, radio… Even on social media its just noise, noise, noise… And this noise drowns out the noise in your head,No time to think just trying to process all the noise going on Then you sit down in theContinueContinue reading “Beautiful nothingness”