Actions and Loneliness

Actions and LonelinessNobody is coming to save you… There was a period in the past 12 months where I experienced chronic loneliness, If you follow my blog you would have seen poems reflecting that. I started sedating with Whiskey every night to try and dull the emptiness I was feeling. I’ve never been good withContinueContinue reading “Actions and Loneliness”

Love today is Lonelier Than Me

It’s a different kind of love todayLove is a smile on InstagramPretending to be happy, For people, you will never seeYet that is the only time you both have smiled in a while… Love today is settling for your partnerWhilst swiping awayHoping for something better…And YetYou look at me and think aww he’s alone…I lookContinueContinue reading “Love today is Lonelier Than Me”